Sound Masking


Adding sound to a space actually makes the space seem quieter. It sounds counter-intuitive but it’s true. This is because the added sound reduces the intelligibility of human speech. When you can’t understand what someone is saying, their words are less distracting — in fact, you probably don’t even notice them.

Sound masking makes a building seem quieter by raising the ambient noise level of an environment and making speech noise less intelligible and therefore less distracting. When you can’t understand what someone is saying, their words are less distracting — in fact, you probably don’t even notice them.

Sound masking is an ambient sound, similar to the sound of airflow, that’s specifically engineered to the frequency of human speech you can target conversational distractions and make them less distracting. Sound masking does not cancel sound or eliminate all speech noise in an environment; it simply reduces how far away conversations can be heard and understood by others, which we call the radius of distraction.


Benefits of Sound Masking

Reduce Noise Distraction

Employees can waste as much as 86 minutes per day due to noise distractions. Sound masking helps reduce noise distractions.

Boost Productivity

Open floor plans are the new normal. Sound masking helps make the modern office more productive.

Protect Speech Privacy

60% of office workers cite the lack of speech privacy is their main driver of dissatisfaction. Sound masking helps protect speech privacy in open spaces and private spaces.

Increase Office Comfort

Many offices are awkwardly quiet, or uncomfortably loud. Sound masking helps create the perfect acoustical environment to make workers comfortable.