With over 20 years experience in software development, User interface, IT Services, Project Management and AV technologies, we developed unique "Star" process for implementing projects - small or large - with zero failure and exceeding expectations. We named it Star because of its 5 steps to guarantee successful delivery of the project:
- Discovery - Collect extensive information about your business needs, the goals of the system, the environment, the user community, functional requirements and more. This information is an essential key for designing the correct system.
- Design - Design the system and research for technologies and products to meet the requirements. We produce detailed documentation and blue prints
- Implementation - prewire, install the equipment and trim the system to esthetically merge it into the surrounding.
- Testing- Perform unit testing and full system testing to ensure all components are working as designed and as expected.
- Training- Train the end users with the system's operations.
At any point of the 5 stages, we are able to address changes and revisions without affecting the overall progress of the project.

Visual representation of our unique process
Each year, organizations face astronomical project failure rates, often wasting millions of dollars per failed project. The same enterprises agonize over the causes of project failure, call in expensive consultants to assess and recover failing projects, and often abandon what originally seemed like well-planned, well-organized projects, destined for success. The goal of project management is to produce a successful product or service. Often this goal is hindered by the errors of omission as well as commission by people associated with the projects.
At Media Nexus we take project management seriously. By following several key strategies, we stay on top of any project regardless of its scope:
- Focus on business value, not technical detail - Establishing a clear link between the project and the organizations key strategic practices.
- Establish clear accountability for measured results. There must be clear view of the interdependencies between the projects, the benefits, and the criteria against which success will be judged
- Clear accountability for measured results - We maintain clear view of the interdependencies between the components, the benefits, and the criteria against which success will be judged
- Transparency - We use state-of-the-art online project management tools to communicate with everyone who is associated with the project. These tools provides real-time snapshot of the project so you can track it at any given time.
By applying our project management expertise, we bring unique value to the project as we establish broader view of the project's scope. We helped many of our customers to avoid failure just by identifying potential weak links thanks to our process.
How many times did your hear the phrase "It's all in the details..."? This phrase couldn't be more accurate when it comes to technologies. Missing an important detail could be the switch between successful project or failed project. When it comes to details, thanks to our process and strategies, we pay very close attention to the smallest detail, even if it may seem unimportant. We understand the importance of every single detail, whether it is the dimensions of the device that needs to fit into pre-defined space or the technical features and properties that should match the business requirements perfectly or any other detail. Our philosophy is "Do It Right or Do It Again!"